Vol. 15 No. 4 (2000): April

A quantitative analysis of gastro-intestinal helminths (Trematoda: Digenea) infection in ranid frogs in Jammu

Published 2000-04-21


Trematodiasis due to a number of flukes is a serious malady in amphibians.  The incidence of trematode infection in ranid frogs in Jammu,  Jammu and Kashmir State at an elevation  of 300m above sea level has been reported beofre by earlier workers, which contains information on the taxonomy morphometrical description and seasonal incidence of worms.  This paper complements the earlier works in describing the parasitic burden on tow ranid hosts, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus and Euphlyctis cyanophylctis inhabiting Jammu waters.  The study revealed that more than 70 per cent of frog specimens were found infected iwth seven entric trematode species.  The quantitative description description of hte worms has been described and the data statiscally analysed.