Vol. 17 No. 10 (2002): October

Revalidation of genus Chionaema Herrich Shäffer (Lithosiinae: Arctiidae: Lepidoptera) along with genital studies on six species from northern and northeastern India

Published 2002-10-21


Detailed morphological studies, including the male and female  genitalic structures revealed that the type species i.e. puella Drury of the genus Chionaema Herrich Schaffer is altogether different from detrita Walker, the type species of genus Cyana Walker.  Accordingly, the genus Chionaema with the type species puella Drury is being revived.  The genitalic features of five other species i.e. bellissima (Moore), catorhoda Hampson, obliquilineata, Hampson, dudgeoni Hampson and alborosea (Walker) of genus Chionaema have also been critically examined. These species completely confirm to the characterization of type species of genus Chionaema.