Vol. 18 No. 8 (2003): August
Case Report

Some observations on the nesting behaviour and food of the Spotted Owlet Athene brama

Published 2003-08-21


Obsevations on the nesting behaviour and food of the Spotted Owlet Athene brama occupying a wooden nest box were recorded in March-April 2002 at Anand, Gujarat.  The clutch size was three and average egg measurements were : length 30.9 mm, width 26.3mm, weight 11.6g.  An egg was destroyed due to a crack in the shell during later stage of the incubation.  A young chick died, probably due to a dipteran parasite. Removal of old nest material helped to get rid of the parasite and  survival of the other chick.  Regurgitated pellets of the adults contained coleopteran beetles and other insects and mammalian fur. Marbled Toad Bufo stomaticus and cockroach Periplanata americana were dominant food items in the diet of the young one.  Toads were recorded for the first time in the diet of the Owlet.  Blind snake and bat were also recorded.