Vol. 21 No. 12 (2006): December
Case Report

Process Documentation Research on Pattern of Pesticide Use: Western India

Published 2006-12-21


Gujarat stands fourth in quantity of pesticide use. Rich farmers with large land holdings, do farming with the notion that heavy use of pesticides can prevent pests. Pesticides are used in high doses and it is often the dealer who advises farmers on which pesticide to use. Several policies were made for trade of pesticide but till date 16% of the pest control practices relies on organochlorine pesticides. Various factors influencing such use of chemicals were correlated with the user groups in the present study. A thorough documentation was done with scientific approach incorporating social and economical aspects. The present study was an attempt to understand pesticide use in a district in Gujarat and to motivate farmers to use pesticides judiciously.We conducted a questionnaire survey to understand if age and education of farmers has any influence on the use of pesticides. We found that maximum amount of pesticide was utilized by the middle age group farmers (2526g/ha) and those (60%) having secondary level of education. To validate the importance of extension workers and their duties we found that the majority of farmers had medium level of extension contact (80.0%) and 16.67% paddy growers had a high level of extension contact. Economically sound farmers with larger land holdings used more pesticides and the economic characteristics of the farmers played an important role in choosing pesticide and its quantity. Our findings suggest that pesticide utilization was negatively related with scientific orientation and the knowledge of the farmers. Reduction in pesticide use can be achieved by adopting the IPM approac