Vol. 20 No. 12 (2005): December

Descriptions of five new species of Goryphus Holmgren (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from southern India

Published 2005-12-21


Five new species of Goryphus Holmgren viz., Goryphus konishii sp. Nov., Goryphus nilamburensis sp. nov., Goryphus rexus sp. nov., Goryphus townesi sp. Nov. and Goryphus sringeriensis sp. nov are described from southern India.  G. konishii sp. nov can be distinguished from the clossely related G. brahminus (Cameron) in having smaller malar space and prepectal carina, metapleurum distinctly rugose and colour of the face and abdominal tergites.  G. nilamburensis sp. nov. is similar to G. nigricoxatus Betrem in many features but differs from the latter in the sculpture of face, frons, propodeum and pronotum. G. rexus sp. nov. can be distinguished from the closely resembling G. tuberculatus Uchida and G. tirkyi Jonathan and Gupta in having a distinct notauli extending to apex of mesoscutum.  G. sringeriensis sp. nov. can be identified from related species G. apollonis Jonathan and Gupta and G. rangaparensis Jonathan and Gupta in the mesoscutum being distinctly regoso-punctate, rugosities weaker in the middle of each lobe.  G. townesi sp. nov differs from the closely resembling G. inferus (Szepligeti) and G. cameroni Betrem in having a larger malar space and the colour of face and abdominal tergites.